Did you vote in the primary? Was there something weird that happened?

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Contact your registrar and let them know. Don't forget to register if you didn't vote, check out Vote411.org to see how.


Check out our voter registration and elections sections for any other questions you may have and upcoming deadlines. Including the October 13th deadline to register for the general election on November 3rd.



Below you will see explanations for the primary process and how to see your ballot.

When you vote in a Virginia Presidential Primary, you are asked what ballot you want – it may seem like you are being asked for your party identification, but that’s not really the case because in Virginia we do not register by party. In 2016 both major parties had Presidential primaries in Virginia, so you would have been asked which of the two ballots you wanted. Virginia is an “open primary” state, which means that voters are free to select the ballot of any party, but they can only select one ballot.


In 2020, only the Democrats are holding primaries; the Republicans will hold a state Convention. Voters in the March 3 Virginia Presidential Primary will only have the option of the Democratic ballot. That ballot will include the names of all Democratic candidates, even those who have now dropped out of the race. To see where the remaining candidates stand on the issues, go to the LWV VOTE411 website, which is  https://www.vote411.org/.


There is no separate voter registration for the primaries, but if you are not already registered, the deadline for primary registration was February 10.


Remember that you will need a photo ID to vote.

Check out the candidates on your personal ballot at Vote411.org. 

Come back closer to the election to use Vote411 to educate yourself on the presidential election and on the other races on your personal ballot.

If you believe that candidates should participate in this vital public service and you would like to be involved in the process of producing Vote411 in your area, contact us at support@lwv-rva.org.