LWV VA Women’s LegislativeRoundtable
ZoomGet the latest on efforts in VA on Campaign Finance Reform and a continuation of other voting issues
Get the latest on efforts in VA on Campaign Finance Reform and a continuation of other voting issues
WLRT kicks off our League Day at the Capitol!
Join the last Women's Legislative Roundtable for 2021!
Another Women's Legislative Round Table has been added since the Governor has extended the General Assembly 2 more weeks!
Learn about what is happening in VA around gun violence prevention
Final WLRT for 2021! Must register ahead to attend! Del. Delores McGuinn confirmed to speak.
Webinar sponsored by LWV VA assessing General Assembly successes and frustrations - must sign up!
It is time to get ready for the General Assembly!
Annual round up of upcoming legislative issues to go before the General Assembly in January 2022. Be sure to sign up to attend.
The first of our Women's Legislative Round Table Discussions. Be sure to register to attend.