LWV-US: Governance and DEI Policy – Webinar
ZoomWebinar on Governance and DEI Policy for LWV.
Webinar on Governance and DEI Policy for LWV.
Learn about a new Community of Interest mapping tool that can be used in drawing Redistricting Maps.
Learn about a new Community of Interest mapping tool for use in redistricting effort.
Monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of the LWV Richmond Metro.
Get the latest on efforts in VA on Campaign Finance Reform and a continuation of other voting issues
Featured speaker is Rev. Benjamin Campbell. Members will decide what areas of advocacy we wish to prioritize for 2021 and if there are changes desired in out current advocacy positions.
WLRT kicks off our League Day at the Capitol!
Learn more about your State League. Watch democracy in action! "Come" to the LWV Virginia 40th Biennial Convention - a virtual celebration! Register at Eventbrite.