LWV Richmond Metro Electoral Board Observation Team Meeting
ZoomMonthly committee meeting of LWV RMA Electoral Board Observation Team.
Monthly committee meeting of LWV RMA Electoral Board Observation Team.
The LWV-RMA Education Committee will lead the Education Equity study presentation and consensus discussion. We will be reviewing the State LWV’s study on Funding Equity in Virginia.
LWV-Richmond Metro Communications Committee Meeting
Monthly meeting of the Board of Directors, open to members on request.
Note 5:00pm start time LWV-Richmond Metro Voter Services Committee Monthly Meeting
LWV-Richmond Metro Communications Committee Monthly Meeting
Rescheduled from December 20. Board members meet to set policy, discuss strategy, and establish the calendar. All LWV-RMA members are invited to observe the meeting and participate in the Member Forum during the opening minutes of the meeting (for additional information and for the Zoom link, contact President Jane Newell.)
LWV-RMA Communications Committee Meeting
LWV Richmond Metro DEI Monthly Committee Meeting
Education Committee Meeting