LWV Richmond Metro Affordable Housing Committee Meeting
LWV RMA monthly Affordable Housing Committee Meeting
LWV RMA monthly Affordable Housing Committee Meeting
LWV RMA monthly Affordable Housing Committee Meeting
The League of Women Voters of the Richmond Metro Area is hosting a
public forum on “Affordable Housing Making a Zoning U Turn”: on
Thursday, September 22 nd from 5:30 to 7pm via Zoom. The forum is
designed for citizens and policy-makers in RVA who are interested in
strategies that increase affordable housing and provide housing
opportunities for all Virginians. Featured presenters are Tom Jacobson,
adjunct professor of planning at the VCU Wilder School and former
planning director for Chesterfield County and Matt Weinstein,
Associate at McGuire Woods LLP and one of the authors of Zoning and
Segregation. Tom will focus on how zoning impacts affordable housing
and what localities can do to make zoning more inclusionary and
increase the supply of affordable housing. Matt will provide local and
state policy recommendations to overcome the legacy of housing
segregation to achieve housing equality. Partners include the
Partnership for Housing Affordability, Housing Forward Virginia,
Greater Richmond American Association of University Women, the
Richmond Association of Realtors, the Virginia Housing Alliance and the
VCU Masters in Urban and Regional Planning program. The session is
free but registration is required.